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The initial web exploitation in Overgraph was really hard. Late really had two steps. This is relatively simple to find, but getting the fonts correct to exploit the vulnerability is a bit tricky. Still, some trial and error pays off, and results in a shell.
The current user has append access to the file, and therefore I can add a malicious line to the script and connect over SSH to get execution as root. Catch requires finding an API token in an Android application, and using that to leak credentials from a chat server. Those credentials provide access to multiple CVEs in a Cachet instance, providing several different paths to a shell.
The intended and most interesting is to inject into a configuration file, setting my host as the redis server, and storing a malicious serialized PHP object in that server to get execution. RouterSpace was all about dynamic analysis of an Android application. Unfortunately, it was a bit tricky to get setup and working. Undetected follows the path of an attacker against a partially disabled website.
Further enumeration finds a malicious Apache module responsbile for downloading and installing a backdoored sshd binary. Reversing that provides a password I can use to get a root shell.
This injection is quite slow, and I think leads to the poor reception for this box overall. Still, very slow blind SQL injection shows the value in learning to pull out only the bits you need from the DB. The next pivot is wildcard injection in a complied shell script. Meta was all about image processing. Timing starts out with a local file include and a directory traversal that allows me to access the source for the website. AdmirerToo is all about chaining exploits together.
Jail is an old HTB machine that is still really nice to play today. It starts with a buffer overflow in a jail application that can be exploited to get execution.
And finally a crypto challenge to get root. Jail sent me a bit down the rabbit hole on NFS, so some interesting exploration in Beyond Root, including an alternative way to make the jump from frank to adm. Pandora starts off with some SNMP enumeration to find a username and password that can be used to get a shell.
This provides access to a Pandora FMS system on localhost, which has multiple vulnerabilities. I can exploit that same page to get admin and upload a webshell, or exploit another command injection CVE to get execution. Mirai was a RaspberryPi device running PiHole that happens to still have the RaspberryPi default usename and password. That user can even sudo to root, but there is a bit of a hitch at the end. Brainfuck was one of the first boxes released on HackTheBox. Fulcrum is a release that got a rebuild in NET error messages.
This box has a lot of tunneling, representing a small mixed-OS network on one box. Return was a straight forward box released for the HackTheBox printer track.
The account is in the Server Operators group, which allows it to modify, start, and stop services. It builds on the first Backend UHC box, but with some updated vulnerabilities, as well as a couple small repeats from steps that never got played in UHC competition.
Search was a classic Active Directory Windows box. With that initial shell, its a a few hops identified through Bloodhound, including recoving a GMSA password, to get to domain admin. Rabbit was all about enumeration and rabbit holes.
Fighter is a solid old Windows box that requires avoiding AppLocker rules to exploit an SQL injection, hijack a bat script, and exploit the imfamous Capcom driver.
I wanted to play with parallelizing that attack, both in Bash and Python. Backdoor starts by finding a WordPress plugin with a directory traversal bug that allows me to read files from the filesystem. Ariekei is an insane-rated machine released on HackTheBox in , focused around two very well known vulnerabilities, Shellshock and Image Tragic.
Toby was a really unique challenge that involved tracing a previous attackers steps and poking a backdoors without full information about how they work. Jeeves was first released in , and I first solved it in I can abuse Jenkins to get execution and remote shell. Backend was all about enumerating and abusing an API, first to get access to the Swagger docs, then to get admin access, and then debug access. From there it allows execution of commands, which provides a shell on the box.
Tally is a difficult Windows Machine from Egre55, who likes to make boxes with multiple paths for each step. The box starts with a lot of enumeration, starting with a SharePoint instance that leaks creds for FTP.
With FTP access, there are two paths to root. Alternatively, I can spot a Firefox installer and a note saying that certain HTML pages on the FTP server will be visited regularly, and craft a malicious page to exploit that browser. Overflow starts with a padding oracle attack on a cookie for a website.
As admin, I get access to a logs panel with an SQL injection, where I can dump the db and crack the password to log into the CMS as well as a new virtual host with job adds. The next user is regularly running a script that pulls from another domain. The steps themselves are not that hard, but the difficulty comes with the firewall that only allows ICMP out. The rest of the steps are also not hard on their own, just difficult to work through my ICMP shell.
Inception was one of the first boxes on HTB that used containers. Shibboleth starts with a static website and not much else.
Some credential reuse pivots to the next user. In Beyond Root, a video reversing the shared object file I used in that root exploit, as well as generating my own in C. This one has another Laravel website. Most of the scripts to exploit Dirty Pipe modify the passwd file, but this box has pam-wordle installed, so you much play a silly game of tech-based Wordle to auth.
The first is to get read access to files using the open file descriptors. The alternative path is to crash the program and read the content from the crashdump. Stacked was really hard. The foothold involved identifying XSS in a referer header that landed in an mail application that I could not see. From root in the container, I can get full access to the host filesystem and a shell. Ransom was a UHC qualifier box, targeting the easy to medium range.
It has three basic steps. Devzat is centered around a chat over SSH tool called Devzat. This user has access to the source for a new version of Devzat. Those keys get access to lambda functions which contain a secret that is reused as the secret for the signing of JWT tokens on the site.
Hancliffe starts with a uri parsing vulnerability that provides access to an internal instance of Nuxeo, which is vulnerable to a Java server-side template injection that leads to RCE. First a password change, then abusing logon scripts, and finally some group privileges. Drive released as part of the HackTheBox printer exploitation track. That password works to connect to WinRM, providing a foothold to Driver.
GoodGames has some basic web vulnerabilities. Bolt was all about exploiting various websites with different bits of information collected along the way. SteamCloud just presents a bunch of Kubernetes-related ports. But I also have access to the Kubelet running on one of the nodes which is the same host , and that gives access to the pods running on that node.
From there, I can spawn a new pod, mounting the host file system into it, and get full access to the host. In Beyond root, looking at a couple unintended paths.
Fluster starts out with a coming soon webpage and a squid proxy. In Beyond root, an exploration into Squid and NGINX configs, and a look at full recreating the database based on the files from the remote volume. It was a fun forensics challenge. Horizonatll was built around vulnerabilities in two web frameworks. From there, I can do a deserialization attack to get execution as root.
Anubis starts simply enough, with a ASP injection leading to code execution in a Windows Docker container. That account provides SMB access, where I find Jamovi files, one of which has been accessed recently.
The website on Forge has an server-side request forgery SSRF vulnerability that I can use to access the admin site, available only from localhost. But to do that, I have to bypass a deny list of terms in the given URL. The user is able to run a Python script as root, and because of how this script uses PDB the Python debugger , I can exploit the crash to get a shell as root.
When I sign up for an account, there are eight real challenges to play across four different categories. On solving one, I can submit a write-up link, which the admin will click. This link is vulnerable to reverse-tab-nabbing, a neat exploit where the writeup opens in a new window, but it can get the original window to redirect to a site of my choosing. This years challenge conference included 14 talks from leaders in information security , including a late entry from the elf, Professor Qwerty Petabyte, covering Log4j.
As usual, the challenges were interesting and set up in such a way that it was very beginner friendly, with lots of hints and talks to ensure that you learned something while solving. This year I was only able to complete 14 of the 24 days of challenges, but it was still a good time. I learned something about how web clients handle content lengths, how to obfuscate JavaScript for a golf competition, and exploited some neat crypto to sign commands for a server.